MMOG Game-Based Collaborative Learning: An Exploratory Study and its Research Potential
This study aims to theoretically explore whether Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) is an effective collaborative learning platform, empirically examine the occurrence of knowledge creation in MMOG game-play, and conceptually advocate the research potential of MMOG game-based collaborative learning. Although a growing number of researchers have started to use MMOG as a new generation of educational platform, the study for theoretical justification of the occurrence of collaborative learning behavior in MMOG is still under-researched. To bridge this gap, this study integrates MMOG and technology-based collaborative learning streams of research to theoretically explore whether MMOG is an effective learning platform based on Alavi’s three attributes of effective technology-mediated collaborative learning environment. In order to examine the occurrence of knowledge creation in the MMOG game-based collaborative learning, we propose definitions of explicit and tacit knowledge in MMOG. Then we conduct an exploratory study using a semi-structural interview approach to collect and analyze qualitative data, in order to support our stipulation of the occurrence of four modes of knowledge conversion in MMOG game-play based on the Nonaka’s dynamic theory of organization creation. According to our research findings, this paper advocates the research potential of MMOG game-based collaborative learning in future research.
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